Guide for Authors

The Ghana Dental Journal (GDJ) is published yearly in June. All materials intended for publication or for advertisement should be submitted to:

The Editor-In-Chief, Ghana Dental Journal, do School of Medicine and Dentistry (SMD), College of Health Sciences, P. O. Box KB. 460, Korle-Bu, Accra-Ghana. Email:

The Journal is indexed on African Index Medicus.

The Journal is also listed on the journal list of The Journal is also listed on International Committee of Medical Journal

You can also access more information about the journal on the website

Manuscripts for publication should be prepared in keeping with the guidelines of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals as espoused by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (

Manuscript must be typed, Arial , double spaced, on A4 size paper; on one side only and with margins of at least 2.5 (1inch) all round.
The title page should include:
(1) the title of paper (not more than 20 words or 100 characters);
(2) the names and addresses of the author(s);
(3) the complete address (including telephone number, fax number and email
address) of the corresponding author.
The main paper should contain the Abstract(structured), Keywords,
Introduction, Materials, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References.
The abstract should not have more than 200 words.
Ideally,contributions should not be more than 3000 words, including tables and figures. Tables and figures count as
100-500 words depending on the size.

Should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals ( Superscript) as they occur in the text and these numbers should be inserted as manuscript each time the author is cited (example In this analysis, Richardson³ indicated that…). The Vancouver style must be used. At the end of the manuscript, the full list of references should give the names and initials of all authors. In the case where there are more than three authors, only the first three should be
cited followed by
Format should be:
Author’s name
Title of article
Title of journal abbreviated as in Index Medicus
The year of publication
Volume number
First and last pages in full.

Reference to a book:
Mason, RA; A guide to Dental Radiography. 3rd Edition, pp34-37, London; John Wright, 1988.

Reference to a book chapter:
Avery, B; Diseases of the maxillary antrum. In Scully, C. (Editor). The Mouth and Perioral Tissues. Vt Edition,pp;O8-l25. Oxford; Heinemann, 1989.

Reference to a Report:
Guidelines for selfcare in oral health. Copenhagen; World Health Organisation, 1989,  Publication No.ICP/.ORH, 113.

Tables and Figures:
All tables and figures must be thoroughly discussed in the text of the manuscript. Print each table on a separate page, each with title. Number the tables in order of mention using Arabic numerals. When appropriate, standard deviations of values should be indicated using the notation (“). Results of statistical analysis may be included.
Figures are limited to 6 per manuscript. List captions to tables and figures on a separate page. Captions should be complete and understandable apart from the text, and may include a key for symbols or abbreviations used.

General Policy:
Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged. After initial review, authors will be notified of status. Authors will be informed upon acceptance of a paper and an estimate of the issue of the Ghana Dental Journal in which the paper will be published. Page proofs will be forwarded to authors who must return their correction on both hard copy and copies on computer disk or sent Electronically . A publication fee of One Hundred US dollars ($100, or equivalent in
GHS) will be charged to authors of the accepted papers

Submission Package Checklist:

  • An electronic(soft) copy could be sent to the Chief Editor as indicated below OR
  • Three hard copies of manuscript (original and 2 copies).
  • Three sets of tables and figures, all labelled.
  • Manuscript on new CD labelled with title and author’s name or Email to , /

Articles that do not conform to the journal requirements shall be returned. These of course can be modified and resubmitted for consideration. Short communication and letters to the Editor are welcome. The editor reserves the right to make editorial changes.